Friday 16 November 2012

I feel bad!!!:(

Ok so knowing me, i blurt thing out without thinking!!! On Tuesday i had a fight with a friend lets call her Flower (weird made up name right?!). She sent me a text last night saying "why are you being such a..... ?!" we then started fighting over the phone. Ok so lets go back in time... my close friend... lets call her honey bee (random made up names here!!!) showed me some screen shots on her ipod of some messages that a friend.... lets call him planets, sent her. Planets used to be going out with flower, until they broke up. Flower is so rude she thinks that the world revolves around her, so she gets jealous when she sees her ex (planets) hanging around honey bee! The texts i saw on honey bees ipod were flower telling planets off that he was hanging around honey bee. The said (flower said this to planets) "go and hang around honey bee cause u have 1000x more fun with her than me". Ok now back to the present (or last night), when i was fighting with flower over the phone, i accidentally blurted out, "your just jelous cause planets has 1000x more fun with honey bee than with you". flowers said "who showed you the messages? was it planets?! was it honey bee?! it was honey bee wansn't it?!" i said nothing and hung up the phone. Than i got a text from honey bee cause flower rang planets and started screaming at him... "why did u show honey bee the messages?!". So planets was screaming at honey bee cause she showed me the messages. I talked to honey bee and shes all cool with it and she hadn't talked 2 planets ever since, and were still friends cause she knows in always saying before thinking. I haven't talked 2 planets or flower ever since and i now feel really bad! what if planets is upset cause flower is screaming at him? i feel sooooooooooo bad and i don't know what 2 do:( What should i do? and what can i do 2 stop blurting things out of my mouth before thinking?  

hope this wasn't 2 confusing for u!!!! will update u later:)


Heey, im just a real life 13 year old girl just bored at home so decided to start a blog. I don't write a journal, so i decided to start a blog and share my life with the world!!! My life is different to others. Its full of happiness, sadness, embarrassment and much more! Hope that my day to day experiences can entertain you all:)